Just think about your Apple laptop, your iPhone, your Android phone (yes, basically just think about anything that doesn't bear the Microsoft logo on it). Apple is a unix-based operating system, so it's Linux. Android is a Linux based operating system, with a pure Linux kernel running on it. So in reality, most of you are already using Linux, as Android and Apple combined percent are almost total (Android: 74.15% IOS: 23.28% Windows: 0.29%, 2019 data).
So if you are already using it on the phone, why not try on a computer ? Well this part can be confusing, as there are so many Linux variants out there. Which one should you choose, were to start and why ?
We have extensive experience with Linux and can give a million reason why it is excellent in a business environment. There are so many variants to choose from, Learn-Digital can help identify the best one for your business. One of the greatest advantages that Linux has over other OS is the incredible longevity you can get for your hardware. Computers that after 3 years are slow and unusable can get new life and be excellent for another 3~5 years at least. Some other advantages: